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The Best Stock Newsletters + Weekly Updates thru November 16, 2019

Writer's picture: Donnette DawnDonnette Dawn

There are so many stock newsletters out there, our readers ask us all the time which is the best stock newsletter for the money.


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While you could waste thousands of your own dollars (and several years) subscribing to various stock newsletters to find out which one is consistently the best, we decided to do it for you and share our results with you. Did your stock portfolio outperform the market by 30% in 2018, by 22% in 2018 and by 63% in 2016?

If not, then you should keep reading to find out which is the best stock newsletter.

We now subscribe to a few dozen stock market newsletters and we make their recommended trades in our virtual trading accounts. Most of these stock newsletters recommend 1 to 5 stocks a month.  Regardless, we buy all of the recommended stocks in their respective virtual trading accounts.  While all of the newsletters tell you what to buy, most don’t comment on when to sell.  So we place 8% stop loss orders on all of the positions.

The Best Stock Newsletter

As to be expected, none of the stock newsletters we subscribe to has a perfect track record for all of their picks.  Month after month we see that every service has a few good stock picks and a few bad picks.  One service, however, outperformed all of the rest for 2018 by a wide margin.

It also happened to be our best stock newsletter for 2017 and 2016 too. That’s consistency.

And it also happens to be the least expensive of all the newsletters we subscribe to. That’s value!

Our top performing newsletter for 2018 and (2017 and 2016) was the best for several reasons:

(All calculations are as of November 16, 2019.)

  1. 75% Success Rate. Our best performing stock newsletter made 24 recommendations throughout 2018.  As of November 16, 2019, 18 of those stock picks are up and 6 are down for a 75% accuracy rate. So if you buy a stock newsletter, don’t expect every stock to go up. But the overall return of these 24 stocks from our best newsletter of 2018 is now up 46% compared to the SP500’s 16%. That’s impressive!

  2. Many of their stocks picks tripled or doubled since they were recommended. In fact, this one stock newsletter has an excellent history of picking many stocks that double or triple each year. Its 2018 top stock picks were up 303% (OKTA), 155% (PAYC), 82% (ZS), 146% (SHOP), 63% (FICO), 109%, etc.

  3. 2019 Recommendations off to Strong Start too. See the 2019 Case Study below where I document the performance of each of their 2019 stock picks. One of which, TWLO, is up over 59% in 60 days.

So which newsletter am I talking about? Our best performing stock newsletter for 2018 (and 2017) was …:

This newsletter releases 2 stock picks a month, or 24 per year.

The final reason this is the best stock newsletter is that it also happens to be the cheapest service of all the ones we subscribe to.  Last year they charged $199 a year but they recently changed their pricing model…

You can now click this link to TRY THEIR SERVICE FOR JUST $19.

How will our this top stock newsletter from 2018 perform in 2019?  No one knows for sure.

But it looks like they are off to an excellent start already. In fact, one of their January 2019 stocks is already up 59% (as of November 16, 2019).  Read the Case Study below where I detail each of their 2019 picks for more information.

Let me show you four recent examples of their stock picks.  In fact, I now have so much confidence in this service that I now buy all of their recommended stocks in my ETrade account as soon as I get their alerts.  Take a look at the CASE STUDY below as I document my experience for 2019 in my real brokerage account…

CASE STUDY (updated November 16, 2019):

  1. On January 3rd, 2019 this service recommended Twilio stock (ticker is TWLO).  I received an email at 1:31 pm ET saying BUY TWILIO.

  2. When I received the email, the stock was trading about $83, down from the previous close of $86.97.  All of the markets were down big that day and I didn’t want to buy it right away.

  3. TWLO closed at $81.25 that day and I thought I was smart by not buying it.

  4. The next morning, January 4th, the market was up big and I realized I forgot to buy any TWLO.  By the time I got my order in, the stock was already up $7 to $88.

  5. I bought 22 shares at $88.01 on January 4th as you can see below from my ETrade Confirmation.  I typically buy $1,000 to $2,000 of each recommendation in my real account as you can see…

Best Stock Newsletter Example Trade
  1. This stock has continued to go up over the last few weeks. As of Friday, February 8th, 2019 TWLO closed at $114.78 for a profit for me of $583.95 on an investment of just $1941.21.  That’s a 30% return for in just 30 days.  And that 30% is with me buying the stock at $88.01.  Had I bought the stock at $83 at the time of the recommendation I would be up 38%!  Take a look at pic from my ETrade account as of the close on Friday, February 8, 2019….

Best Stock Newsletter Example
  1. Obviously, this doesn’t happen all the time.  But what I have found that with this one newsletter, most of their trades are profitable and a few are REALLY profitable–THAT is exactly what you need when you build a stock portfolio.  You need mostly solid stocks that will outperform the market, but you need a few that double or triple each year.

  2. FOR EXAMPLE, THIS STOCK PICK DOUBLED. In January 2018 they recommended PAYC. This stock is up 96% for me in just one year.

  1. FEBRUARY 8, 2019 UPDATE… Their first February pick was released February 7, 2019. I got the email at 1:55pm and immediately bought it. I am already up 8% on that pick in just a day and a half. I am not allowed to release it’s ticker yet.

  2. FEBRUARY 15, 2019 UPDATE… They release another pick on February 14th. I got my email at 1:41pm and immediately bought $2k of this stock at $46.38. On Friday, February 15th it closed at $51.07 so I am up 10% on that one in a day and a half. Once again, this service is so good that when they recommend a particular stock it seems to drive the price up instantly. FYI–For the Feb 7th pick mentioned above, I am up 14.76% now in 8 and a half days. And for the TWLO pick, after 6 weeks it has backed off a bit but I am still up 21%.

  3. FEBRUARY 23, UPDATE… TWLO continues to climb. It closed at $116.55 so I am up 32% in 6 weeks. Their Feb 7 pick is still up 5% and their Feb 14 pick is now up 16%.  I am also now happy to report that a stock they recommended a year ago has now doubled in price for me.  Take a look at my PAYC Total Gain Percentage of 95%:

  1. MARCH 1, UPDATE… TWLO continues to climb even higher. It closed at $123.53 and I am now up 40% since I bought it on January 4th of this year. This has given me a profit of $776 on a $1941 investment.

Their Feb 7 pick has inched a bit higher this week and I am up 8% on that pick in just 3 weeks. I forgot to mention on Feb 21 there was another recommendation. By the time I placed my order the Feb 21 pick was up $2 but I bought it anyways. It hasn’t moved at all since I bought it as I am up just 0.3%. Finally, on Feb 28 this service released their “5 Best Buys Now” list. This is a recap of some of their previous recommendations that they reiterate as “timely buying opportunities.”  If you are just getting started investing, this is a great help.

  1. MARCH 8, UPDATE… GREAT NEWS THIS WEEK!This week was a down week for the market overall with the SP down 2.2%. Why is that great news you ask? Because stocks are now cheaper than they were last week. If you think the market going down is bad news, then you need to change your mindset. I think of it as a sale and why pay full price for anything? I like to buy when stocks are on sale because I invest for the long term. TWLO was down 5.4% for the week but I am still up 33% since I bought it. In fact, this service re-recommended TWLO when it dropped on March 7 at $115.50. The Feb 7 pick was also down a bit but i am still up 3%.

  2. MARCH 15, UPDATE…The market was up big but these stocks were up bigger. TWLO is now at $129.38 so my shares are up 46.63% since I bought them on January 4th of 2019. The March 7 pick is up 12%. Their Feb 7th pick is up 4.25%. Feb 21 pick is up 3.03%

  3. MARCH 29, 2019 UPDATE… The market finished strong with the Dow back close to 26,000. TWLO is holding at $129.18 so my shares are still up 46% since January 4th. The March 7 pick is still up 12% and their Feb 7th pick had a bad week and is only up 1% now. They had a March 21 pick, and it is unchanged.


These stock picks all came from:

How Much Does It Cost?

Surprisingly, in addition to this stock newsletter having the best performance, this newsletter is also the most affordable.  The Motley Fool Stock Advisor service is currently on sale. You can now get their March picks for just $19 a month of $99 a year (normally it is $199 a year). In fact, they even have a 30 day money back guarantee. So if you aren’t happy, just call and they will refund your money back– no questions asked.

They also just released their “Top 10 Stocks to Buy Right Now.” Click here to learn more about The Motley Fool Stock Advisor, get their Top 10 Stocks to Buy Now, and see more of their recent picks.

Based on my TWLO profit of $905 in 60 days on a $2,000 investment, this stock newsletter has already paid for itself for many years.  But make sure you DON’T PAY FULL PRICE for this newsletter.

Remember, they recently changed their subscription model and you can now click this link to TRY THEIR SERVICE FOR JUST $19.



As of November 16, 2019, the Motley Fool Stock Advisor’s 2016 picks are up, on average, 122%.

Their 2017 picks are up, on average, 56%, and their 2018 picks are up 46% on average.

ALL THREE of those years crushed the overall market (as measured by the SP500) by 52%, 31% and 23% respectively.  There 2019 picks are off to a good start as well.

In conclusion, based on the last 36+ months of performance, the Motley Fool’s Stock Advisor is the best stock newsletter and it is also the least expensive.  It is currently on sale for a trial for just $19. If you are looking for solid stock picks (and a few that might double or triple) to add to your portfolios, you simply can’t go wrong.

Remember, they recently changed their subscription model and you can now click this link to TRY THEIR SERVICE FOR JUST $19.

Do you already subscribe to the Motley Fool’s Stock Advisor? Here’s our suggestion: The second best performing newsletter is the Motley Fool’s Rule Breakers subscription. That services’ February 14, 2019 pick (ticker GH) is up 51% in just 2 weeks. Their January 24 pick is up 4%. This is a new offering so there is not much track record, but so far so good for 2019. Read our review of this Rule Breakers subscription.

More Analysis and Examples This Stock Newsletter’s Recommendations and Results

This service recommended stocks like SHOP (up 158% since we bought it), NVDA (up 120%) and MAR (up 97%). To have a stock portfolio that performs well, above all you MUST have a few stocks like these that double or triple in value. This Motley Fool service has a great habit of picking these 2x and 3x stocks, and therefore they continue to be the best stock newsletter of all the newsletters we track!

Still don’t believe it?  I didn’t either until I subscribed and saw how this stock newsletter got their amazing returns.  I sure wish I had bought Netflix, Amazon, Bookings, Disney, Nvidia, etc. when they recommended them.

best stock picks

As recently as August 2018, the Stock Advisor recommended stocks such as PAYC (up 43.39%), FICO (up 25.77%), and OKTA (up 57.05%).

In our paper trading portfolios, we used 8% trailing stops to minimize risk of any poor picks. This trailing stop also helped us take profits on any high fliers that might have had a significant pullback.

Our Research of the Best Stock Newsletter:

The Fool’s marketing campaign for this service says their portfolio is up an amazing 348% since inception, compared to the SP’s 81%. See the graph below that shows their return versus the S&P500’s return over the same time period. Seems like it is impossible right? But now we see that a lot of their picks do double or triple in a short period of time.

long term performance chart

At first we were skeptical because it sounds too good to be true. But based on our current virtual portfolios and digging more into the data they share, we are now believers and we also proclaim the Motley Fool Stock Advisor the BEST stock newsletter of 2018.

The image below shows how they have been very good at picking a few stocks that have amazing returns. Since they recommended these stocks, Netflix is up 17,846%, Amazon is up 11,363%, Marvel was up 5,762% and Priceline up 8,558%. This stock newsletter has a great track record of picking these stocks that are game changers for your portfolio.

stock chart performance grid

Best of all, the Motley Fool currently has this stock newsletter on sale. It usually costs $299 a year, but they currently are running a too-good-to-be-true promotion of just $19 a month or $99 for the year.That is a very reasonable price to pay for such solid stock picks in this stock newsletter. They also have a 30 day, 100% money back guarantee. My recommendation is you try it for at least 6 months and see if at least one of their picks doesn’t go up 50% or more.

To get their next stock picks at this discounted price, you must visit this promotional page otherwise you might end up paying full price for it. We recommend that you review their picks and analysis carefully. Make sure you buy in slowly with the expectation that over a year you should have 10-20 stocks in your portfolio. Do NOT put all of your money in their first few stock picks!

If you want more information on this service, then please read our complete, in-depth Motley Fool Review that will show you all of the features you get when you subscribe to this service.

If you are still not convinced, read our full in-depth review of the Motley Fool Stock Advisor to see all of the other reports and benefits you receive.


*November 30, 2018 Update:

A key aspect in selecting a good newsletter would be its consistency in suggesting undervalued stocks. To evaluate this, the WallStreetSurvivor team kept on trading the Fool’s stock picks. Here are some recent highlights from our portfolios for David and Tom’s recommendations since December 2017:

David’s Portfolio HighlightsCompanySuggestedPrice PaidLast PriceReturnOKTAJanuary + April 201834.9357.2363.84%ILMNJanuary 2018248.76337.3235.60%FICOMarch 2018169.71213.7325.94%AMZNMarch + April 20181585.521898.8919.76%ADBEApril 2018221.90254.9514.89%

Tom’s Portfolio HighlightsCompanySuggestedPrice PaidLast PriceReturnNFLXFebruary 2018 (trailing stop order activated)264.18361.9937.02%VRNSMarch 2018 (trailing stop order activated)58.2575.2529.18%SHOPMay 2018138.76163.5317.85%APPNJuly 201832.3034.697.40%IRBTDec 2017 (trailing stop order activated)64.3087.0835.43%

One of the most recent suggestion by the Fool’s Stock Advisor is Appian Corporation (APPN:NASDAQ). In nearly two weeks, it has achieved a return of 7.40% in our portfolio and we believe there is still a lot more room for growth. On the 2nd of August 2018, Appian reported its Q2 results with a 39% revenue growth due to a “combination of new customer acquisition, a 119% subscription revenue retention rate among existing customers, and a one-off perpetual software deal. This figure grew much faster than management had previously predicted” (Source: MotleyFool News & Updates). Thanks to our friends at Motley Fool, we were able to get an early seat and capture APPN’s growth.

Another Top Stock Newsletter:

The Fool’s marketing campaign is still supporting its claim that it can beat the market. For example, their current campaign says the Fool’s Stock Advisor is averaging a 347% return since their inception, while the S&P has a 80% return.


There are many other stock advising newsletters on the market that we have evaluated. Our second recommendation would be Chaikin’s PowerFeed newsletter which delivers stock ideas every morning from Monday to Friday. The Chaikin PowerFeed has a lot of advantages. As an example, it is free and organized in a way that makes it readable in less than 2 minutes. However, acting on stock recommendations on a daily basis can consume a lot of time and commission fees. Hence, we believe that the amount of stock picks and time intervals of the Fool’s Stock Advisor can help users efficiently manage their portfolios and meet their investing goals.

How to get The Next Stock Pick

Investing in the S&P can be advantageous due to its simplicity in investing in a diversified portfolio. However, we are confident that the Motley Fool’s Stock Advisor service can generate greater returns with a small effort from the investor. When factoring the discounted price of the service and the return it generates (4 times Standard & Poor’s return), we believe the Stock Advisor is still the best stock newsletter service available in their price range. You can get the next stock picks from this newsletter (and their recently released list of Top 10 Stocks to Buy Now for only $19 by clicking here.

Or read our full list of the best investment newsletters.

If you want more information on the Stock Advisor, then read this complete Motley Fool Review article that tells you and shows you exactly what you get.

Important Reminder!

The Motley Fool Stock Advisor ranks as our #1 Best Investment Newsletter for the third year in a row.

Their stock recommendations continue to beat all of the other newsletters and they maintain a very high accuracy of their picks. Their 24 stock picks from 2018 have outperformed the market by an average of 44% as of July 7, 2019. Read that again. I didn’t say their stock picks are up an average of 44%, I said they have BEAT THE MARKET by 44%.

No other newsletter comes close to that. You may have seen the Motley Fool’ advertisements that their picks are up 367% compared to the market’s 80%. Is The Motley Fool’s Stock Advisor really as good as they claim?

Our results, at least since January 2016, suggest YES. You can now get their latest stock picks for ONLY $19/month or $99/year. But this is a special limited time offer. It expires tonight at midnight.

Get the Motley Fool’s Latest picks

P.s. this offer is still backed by their 30-day guarantee

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